A Quiet House!

Well, the big ‘uns (as opposed the the little ‘uns) are off with their Dad at CCD.  Phil is filling in for Pumpkin Girl’s teacher today. Our Sunday mornings here have become less than idyllic.  Without school to do and Phil off singing in the choir, the children have tended to run amok and just not listen to me.  They have spent a good portion of their Sunday morngings with one of them sitting in the hallway and the other sitting in the kitchen.  Last week Phil and I decided that we need to have a Sunday schedule.  We moved chores and bathtime to the morning and added in time to watch a video.  At first they were disappointed that they would be having their baths in the morning until I explained to them why.  Everything went well, no fighting, no insane silliness, no time -outs.  The trash has been collected up by Boo, and Rose the Hermit Crab is enjoying her own bath.  I’ll move her back into her clean cage with her fresh food and water later. The bonus for rearranging things today is that our Sunday evening will be far less hectic.  Always a good thing.   Now, if only I knew what we were having for dinner…


As for me, after lunch I am going BY MYSELF to the PX to buy flowers for the garden.  I may wander aimlessly around the rest of the store, too.  I wish our library was open on Sundays, but then I probably wouldn’t come home until dinner time.  Not that I know what we’re having.


Well, the house is quiet and I should probably find a more productive way to spend my time.  Like rescuing Rose the Crab from her bath, folding laundry and figuring out what we’re having for dinner.  Until next time…

More Mac and Cheese, please!


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