A shawl for Lindsey

The crochet project that I was working on but keeping quiet about was a prayer shawl. I made it for a young lady named Lindsey who has been battling a very aggressive form of cancer. She was in college when the cancer was discovered and over the last year has been through surgeries, chemo, radiation… the whole gamut. Her father is a regular on the Sonlight forum and he recently added her picture to his signature. When I saw her picture, I felt very compelled to do something for her. I had recently read an article about prayer shawls and did a google search for more information and patterns.

Prayer Shawl Ministries
Prayers Shawl Pattern(knit)
Prayer Shawl Pattern(crochet)

So I made a shawl for Lindsey. I know a shawl may be a strange gift for a young college girl, but I hope that she will gain some comfort and strength in knowing that there are people all over the world praying for her. It is called a prayer shawl because while it is being created, you are praying for the recipient. I also prayed that I would discover what God wanted me to learn from the whole experience. I believe he wanted me to learn the same things I am trying to teach my son – work worth doing is worth doing right. Taking your time and working carefully takes less time than working quickly and having to do it all over again. What matters most is not acheiving perfection, but doing your very best. In the end this is what I created:


More Mac and Cheese, please!


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  • This is EXACTLY what the next “Knitting for My Sanity” post will be all about next week! Can I share your post with others in that post?

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