I’m Going Back to Bed

crying.gifFirst, Bip did not sleep well last night. Well, he’s not a baby anymore and the boy needs to sleep. MAMA needs to sleep. Argh with that kid already.

Next, we’re all out of wipes. So first thing this morning of course, the above mentioned non-sleeping toddler has a giant, green, gross poop. The only good thing about having to use toilet paper for clean up is that it went right down the toilet. I’m wondering if the green poop is related to him being up all night, like maybe his belly hurt?

Then, as I’m in the middle of this diaper change, the phone rings. On my way to the bathroom, I check the caller ID and it’s an 800 number. It’s also 8:30 in the morning. So I didn’t answer it and I start thinking bad thoughts about companies who call before 9 am.

So, toddler all fresh smelling and clean again, I go down to finally eat my breakfast. The mystery 800 caller has left a message. It’s my credit card company and they want me to call them back.

So I do, and lo and behold, my credit card has been compromised. Two charges at Amazon.com were made this morning, before I even got up. So my oatmeal’s getting colder as I go through each charge I’ve made in the last 2 weeks. Sigh. Now I’m getting a new card and I’ve got to try to remember where my card is used for automatic payments. The cc person seemed to think that my number was stolen at Amazon.com.

And why, why does Bip need to crush his goldfish crackers before dumping them on to the newly vacuumed carpet?

I can’t imagine what else the Lord has in store for me today. Guess I’m not going shopping. I think I’m going back to bed.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


About the author



  • Hang in there. We will be there in a few days and you can hand over the kids to us,our pleasure:):) Plan your menu and I will prepare it. Love, Mom

  • Be very careful with those phonecalls! I recieved one supposedly from my bank, and when I checked into it, it wasn’t my bank at all- it was a scammer trying to get my credit card info so that *he* could use it!!

  • This has nothing to do with your bad day, although believe me I know all about bad days. I had to laugh because I saw “HEidi” and the “HOpe your day got better” and knew right away which Heidi it was. LOL!!! Love you, Heidi. Hugs and Prayers!!

  • Lorri,

    I too was up all night with a toddler. We were enjoying. . .ARGH!. . .our first night in a big boy bed. Needless to say, neither of us got any sleep. You and Bip should have stopped by. We could have had milk and cookies with the boys.

    Here’s hoping today is a better day,

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