Scenes From Halloween


Greetings from the Skywalker Family –
Anakin “You Can Call Me Darth” and Padme,
our children Luke and Leia,
and don’t forget Yoda!


Boo carved his own pumpkin this year.


Happy Birthday, Luke, I am your father.


Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope!

We had a great time this year! We loaded Yoda and R2D2 in the wagon, along with the iPod playing the Star Wars soundtrack. I’m not sure everyone got that our characters were a family, but they all liked the overall theme. Yoda really made the whole thing. One group of kids was talking about how one family dressed up as the Incredibles last year. “They even had Jack Jack!” “Jack Jack, too?” “Yeah, it was cute.” I turned to her and said, “That was us!” Very funny.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


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