
My internet access is out, so I’m over at the base library.  Not the most ideal conditions, especially when, at the computer next to me, there are 2 sailors who are swearing, well, swearing like sailors.  Oh well, at least they are whispering.

I’m expecting the cable guy to show up tomorrow and hopefully he’ll fix the problem and I’ll be back online in my own home.  Without the internet, I’ve been working on this one troublesome Corner of My Home as well as updating my own history timeline.  I’ll share the results of my work as soon as I’m able.

Oh man, my stomach just growled really loudly.  How embarrassing. I’m pretty sure the only person who didn’t hear is that guy over there with the headphones on.  And now the sailors have left!  Maybe digestive juices are more offensive than the language they were using. 

You know what though – the library is way quieter than my house.  Nobody here is saying, “Mama, guess what?”  Nobody is hungry.  (Well, they might be, but they don’t expect me to do anything about it.)  Nobody is hanging on the back of my chair, wondering what I’m doing.  Maybe this library thing isn’t so bad after all.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


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