Much Accomplished

Our first Brownie meeting of the year is out of the way and I can feel the weight being lifted off my shoulders. It’s amazing the amount of work that goes into the planning and execution of one simple meeting. The girls seemed to enjoy themselves and that’s the main thing. One girl who is new to our troop said that she didn’t have much fun in her Brownie troop last year, but this year was going to be much better, she could tell already.

It could have been the s’mores we made in the microwave that convinced her, but that’s the kind of feedback I like hearing!

So as we start our new Girl Scout year, my co-leader from last year and I got together to finish up our financial report from last year. Despite book keeping on my part that amounted to me tossing bank statements and receipts into a folder and writing a cryptic note about Girl Scouts owing me $55, we got our checkbook, bank statements and financial report to all match up exactly. So I just mail that little form off and forget about it until next year.

We did notice that our troop is lacking a receipt book which would have solved the question of the $86 discrepancy a lot sooner than we managed to figure it out. So I’ll add that to my shopping list. I’m not sure how I got made treasurer anyway.

When we were pretty much done with the number crunching, we sent our children off to play at the park. Not 10 minutes later I got a call from Pumpkin Girl on the two-way radio saying that Bip was stuck in the swing. So off the park went Jenn and I to unstick stuck Bip. Then we stayed and chatted at the park.

I really like being outside in the Fall. It’s been overcast and rainy the last two days, but not too chilly. Chilly enough though, for the first soup of the season, served up in our pumpkin tureen. Fall – I love it!

Oh, but wait – I forgot! As Jen was gathering up her children to leave, I saw Philip walking up to the house with another Army guy. It was our friend George who was in Iraq, then Afghanistan and is now on his way to Italy. I guess he showed up at Philip’s office and they came home for lunch. What a fun surprise.

George stayed for lunch and managed to keep from laughing too much over our children. They regaled him by quoting Thomas Paine, using “crossed the Rubicon” in a sentence and singing the countries of Southern Europe.

What a good day. I even got a nap.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


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