
OK, you all so didn’t warn me.  I thought we were friends.  Why didn’t you tell me how awful the movie “Ratatouille” is?  Yes, I knew what it was about – some disease infested rodent becoming a chef.  But it’s Disney, fer cryin’ out loud!  Surely they could turn that into something worthwhile?  And it takes place in Paris, so how can you go wrong?

I’ll tell you.

Hordes of pestilent rodents falling out of a poor old lady’s ceiling.

Swarms of disease laden rats tying up the health inspector and throwing him in the pantry, probably to later kill him and eat his liver.

A main character love child (“Mama, how come Gusteau didn’t know he had a son?”) who is bitten all over his chest by said rodents from hell.  Don’t the French have socialized medicine?  Yeah, good luck getting a rabies shot, monsieur.

Rats cooking. Thousands of them. Crawling all over the kitchen, the food, the pots, pans and utensils.  Oh sure, they washed their hands but they are RATS.  I don’t care if they were stuck in an autoclave, they are not going to be clean enough to prepare food.  They weren’t even wearing hairnets.

I could go on, but let’s just say that Pumpkin Girl and I will not be eating out for a very long time.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


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  • Oh, I’m sorry! I think the whole rat thing bothers the adults WAY more than the kids. I made the mistake of watching the “bonus features” DVD and had to turn it off – they had a song about how WONDERFUL rats are! They tried to tell us the “truth” at the end, but c’mon, really??!? My son enjoys that movie, but I still prefer all the good old Disney movies, myself.

  • Hey, I did tell you, but it was on my old blog so I can’t link to it. And, I checked, it’s not one of the posts I saved when I closed that blog. There was so much to dislike about that movie a blog comment wouldn’t even be a start.

  • May I recommend the Ratatouille recipe in the More with Less cookbook? It is so delicious and you can make it at home with your own washed hands. 🙂 It’s my new favorite.

  • I loved that movie! In fact, I have it on my iPhone. I really loved the kitchen scenes. Put (properly covered) humans in place and that’s the way restaurants are run. And the taste scenes, where each flavor has a single note and you can add them together to get something better? LOVE.
    Add Thomas Keller’s participation and the movie is a foodie’s dream.

    Of course, I’ve had pet rats, too.

  • Hey wait a minute. They played this movie on the Disney Cruise. I had thought that you saw it?

  • Hey Lorri…my very good friend from high school was one of the main animators…as a matter of fact..he was my prom date!He actually won an Academy Award for it! LOL! I know the idea was pretty nasty, but I thought the movie was great….if you can get past the ides of them being rats! By the way…he was the one that did the “your Friend the Rat ” clip. You’re so funny!:)

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