Music Room

Several people have asked to see pictures of our new house, a request I’ve blissfully ignored.  We’ve lived here for 4 months now and those months have been filled with school work, scouts, dance and vacation.  Not to mention unpacking and decorating.  We’ve been having our dining room set slowly but surely restored to its original glory and battling what can only be described as zombie wasps.  But that’s a story for another time.  The point is, our house isn’t as presentable or as photogenic as I’d like it to be.  However, if I wait until it is, the children will be grown and out of the house and it will be time for us to downsize.  So here we go.

If you come in through our front door, the first room to your immediate right is the music room.  We don’t have need of a formal living room, so we moved our grand piano into the space and are attempting to created a somewhat formal but welcoming library/music/quiet area.  It’s going slowly since this is one of 3 rooms which we’ve never had before.

Look what I did yesterday:

musicwindowI moved a ladder in!

Heh heh.  Actually, I did something I’ve wanted to do in our home for several years.  I added a quotation to the wall above the window.  Here, I’ll show you a close up:

dsc02103It says, “If music be the food of Love, play on. -Shakespeare.”  How perfect is that for a music room?  I did it all myself, except for Philip bringing me the ladder.  Which we left there, since it looks so classy.

That’s the window at the front of the house.  Now walk with me towards that window, then to your right and we’re looking at the piano.

pianocornerDoesn’t that look nice?  We need a lamp in here because this is the one room in the house that didn’t have some kind of overhead light.  The angel next to the stairs doesn’t actually live there.  My grandmother made her for me when I was oh…6 years old.  She (the angel) is waiting her turn for the washing machine since the years have been a little hard on her.

So my decorating dilema for the day is two-fold.  First – see the curtains in the front window?  I’m not too thrilled with the rod showing there.  The red curtains are always open and the sheers are always closed.  Any ideas for how to hide the rod?  Or just leave it?

Second – what sort of lamp should I get for the piano?  I’m thinking floor lamp.  The adjoining room is the dining room which has cherry wood Queen Anne furniture.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


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