Sometimes There’s Nothing to Blog About

Really there isn’t.  Our busy lives are pretty uneventful at the moment, just busy.


Pumpkin Girl is in the dance studio 4 hours a week, but fortunately this weekend is The Nutcracker and if we survive, she’ll be back to only 3 hours.  Of course, this week involves a 6 hour rehearsal, costume fitting and blocking session, dress rehearsal, two performances and a cast party.  And Thanksgiving.  Can’t forget about that!


Boo observed that it isn’t too hard to turn the other cheek if you’re getting a kiss.


Listening to Bip pray is a sweet look into what goes on in his head.  He has long, rambling conversations with God while the rest of wait as patiently as we can.  A couple of nights ago he came with this gem, “Bless Lord Mama, who is shorter than Daddy but still a grown up. ”


This is what we saw at church on Sunday, as we were buckling up in the car.  I took the picture through the window.

deeratchurch2Better than seeing a mountain lion!


We bought a new refrigerator!  More details to follow.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


About the author



  • What do you mean there is nothing to blog about? You have several things up there! Thanks for updating us. It is so nice to hear about the family. Please keep Bip’s prayers coming. I love it!

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