I’m a Winner

This is very cool.

Way back in 2007 I was planning our Disney Cruise.  There is so much Disney planning information out there, it’s just crazy.  I wanted this cruise to be the trip of a life time and trying to gather all the information together and make sense of it all was overwhelming.  Plus, given the choice between reading something on the computer or reading it in a book, I will choose the book every single time.

I don’t know how I stumbled upon PassPorters, but it was just what I was looking for.  I blogged all about them here: Just A Little “Dis”tracted.

In 2008 we planned our first ever trip to Disney World, this time toting along my cousin and his family.  Of course, I turned to PassPorter.

However, last year when we went to Disneyland, I didn’t get one.  Why?  Because I have been there more times than I can count.  (But I secretly wanted the Disneyland Passporter.)

And the point of this whole post?   Right before Easter I submitted a Disney tip to PassPorter folks and it was selected to be published in their email newsletter.  Cool.

But wait, there’s more! Because my tip was chosen to be published, I won a free PassPorter!!  I chose the Disney World one because I think they used one of my pictures in it.  (Also very cool.)

Now for some links.

Here is the link for the PassPorter News that has my tip.  The tips are along the left hand side, mine is the one about fireworks.  PassPorter News 4/9/10

Check out the book trailer for the Passporter.  You’ll get a glimpse of why I totally love them.  It’s almost as good as coming over to my house and letting me show you in person.  PassPorter’s Walt Disney World book trailer.

And now that you’ve watched the video and so totally want a PassPorter and a trip to Disney, here’s their website. PassPorter.com

More Mac and Cheese, please!


About the author



  • Don’t you just love it when you win stuff? I am glad you have the low-down on Disney. We will take advantage of that when we tag along with you guys sometime soon:)

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