Summer Projects with Bip

According to my summer plan, I had three weeks set aside to work on projects with Bip.  My plan was more of a guideline so I wouldn’t waste away too much of my summer.  You know how it goes, though.  Things come up and plans get pushed aside. Still, I did manage to do quite a number of things with Bip.  He loves to spend time with me and do craft type stuff.  And build Legos.

We’ve been working on the Death Star for ages.  He’s pretty amazing.  The set is recommended for ages 14 and up, but Bip does most of it himself.  Sometimes he needs a little help with the tinier pieces, but mostly my job is to look ahead and locate the blocks for the upcoming stages while he builds.

Bip Death STar 2

We also did some sand art.


Bip Sand Art 2


Let me tell you a little about the sand art.  Last summer I found a few craft kits while cleaning out the basement.  I thought they might be something that Bip and I could do together.  He was really excited to see them and wanted to get started right away.  It was June 26 and it was hot and dry and the Waldo Canyon fire was raging.  It wasn’t a good time to play outdoors at all.  So I crafted with Bip.  Later that day we evacuated when the fire entered the city and in the urgency to leave, Bip’s sand art projects were left behind.  It wasn’t even a deliberate decision.  They were just left sitting on the table, waiting to show his daddy when he got home from work.  For some reason, those little art projects tugged at my heart as much as the other things that were left.  I’m sentimental that way.  But there they were when we returned a few days later.  I was glad to see them.  And we’d had so much fun that day, before everything went wrong, that I searched high and low and found him another set for Christmas.

So back to this summer…

We also started building a paper R2D2 model that is way harder than it looks.
Bip R2D2

We didn’t get a ton of stuff done, but we had several afternoons with just the two of us spending time together.  Time I will always treasure.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


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