Summer Plans

I really should know better, shouldn’t I? I make plans and God nods sympathetically, then lets me know what is really going to happen.

I had planned to continue to school through the summer. We’ve always done this. By not having a typical summer vacation we can take time off from school at any time. Grandparents visiting? No problem. Disney vacation scheduled? Got it covered. Also – having definite summer plans sure does cut down on the sibling bickering and I’m all over that!

And I kind of slept all last year, what with being pregnant and all. School was not high on anyone’s priority when mom was falling asleep by 10 am and there were Star Wars action figure battles to be waged.

My plan was a good one – keep going through summer as always, doubling up when we could to make up for lost time, take time off for our church’s version of VBS and for Boy Scout camp.

Two things I didn’t count on. First- Pumpkin Girl’s dance workshops. When she saw her studio’s offerings for the summer, she wanted to do each one. Ballet workshop, Broadway workshop (featuring selections for “Annie”), worship dance workshop – what’s not to love? She’s going to be dancing every day, almost all day, for 5 weeks. I might be able to sneak a little school in here and there, but not much. And because I teach her and Boo both using the same level curriculum (Sonlight Core 4 or E or whatever we’re calling it now), there’s no school for Boo either. Not that he minds. In fact, when he reads this – and he will, curses on whoever taught him how to use the internet. Oh wait, that was me. Where was I? Oh yes, when Boo reads this, he needs to go thank his sister for giving him such a grand summer vacation. He should probably offer to do her chores while she’s off dancing.

So that’s 5 weeks of school I’d planned on that we’re not going to be doing. Oh wait, only 4. One of those dance weeks overlaps Scout Camp.

The other thing I didn’t plan on? Pipsqueak. Oh, my little Pipsqueak! Double chinned, big cheeked, gummy smile Pipsqueak. He has decided that he has to be in physical contact with a parent, preferably me, at all times. All times. I love that little guy, but he wears me out. If he’d just nurse and sleep while I read aloud, we’d be fine. But no. He wants me all to himself, in the quiet sanctity of our bedroom. Them other people – let ’em fend for themselves. We’re doing the best we can, trying to let him nap in quiet, then cram as much school as we can during his waking hours before he realizes that I’m not holding him. It’s not going real well.

And tonight…the other children took off mid-afternoon to play with their friends. Public schools have already let out for the summer here, and it was downright hot today, so the neighborhood children were out in force. They had some sort of water weapon battle that lasted way past dinner time. At 7:30 I finally stuck my head out and asked my crew if they were planning on eating dinner that night.

Such nice weather, so many adventures to be had. Dinner could wait, apparently. I totally get that.

I think I need to let go of my expectations. I need to sit down and figure out what I can do to let everyone have a peaceful, happy, fun summer.

This summer will only happen once. We need to make the best of it.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


About the author



  • Hello, Lorri! I have been reading you for a while now, and find your writing and life inspirational. Thank you for sharing your experiences and clinging to the cross.

    I have been moved to comment by the fact that we wrote almost identical thoughts about the coming summer. Plans, shmans! Nobody is exempt from the vicissitudes of real life. At the risk of being narcissistic, here is a link to my blog where I mirrored your thoughts:

    Thanks again for your great writing! – Katie

  • I hear you Lorri. If only there were a way to just open their little heads, and dump it all in while they sleep. I’d just compile all the great things from all of the “must have” lists, and call it good. UGH, it gives me a headache to think of the planning, and replanning.

  • I’m right there with ya! I planned on schoolin’ this summer too but well… they’re not as excited about it now that they’ve had some down time. And truthfully, I’m a wee burned out myself but I hate seeing my expectations shattered. Also, I’ve loved seeing your watercolor assignments, so much so that I’m going to take a class… er, trip… well, you know what I mean.

  • Thank you so much for your kind words, Katie. Sometimes I blog and wonder why. I just keep writing because I enjoy it and in many ways it has become my journal. So in that respect, I try not to worry too much how my words are being received. But then someone comes along and tells me that my words have touched them and I’m glad that I continue to make the effort.

  • Tami – I would pour in math and science, leaving us time for the stuff we really love – the Sonlight read-alouds and history!!

  • Oh Lea, how fun!! Are you “traveling” to Italy? I’m taking that class, too. And Paris, just as soon as registration opens up!

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