Cherry Blossoms

As part of my Year of Finished Projects, I actually started a major knitting project.  I’m a slow knitter at the best of times and with a my hands full of Pipsqueak all day, things don’t get done very quickly.  So starting a project during the year that I’m focusing on finishing those long overdue things seems sort of counter productive.

But as I was looking over my friend Sandy’s queue of knitting that she will never even start, I was reminded that my own list had stalled out.  I have a ton of little things that I can accomplish easily – a toy monster in a bulky weight yarn that will take no time, lots and lots of socks that are surprisingly easy and some hats that I can do in my sleep.  But I thought I’d like to get a Major Project (perhaps even a Lieutenant Colonel Project) (ha! Army humor!) started.  I thought it would feel good to finish the “getting around to it” phase and actually cast on something out of my queue.

I picked Hanami.  Please click on this link.  There is a whole story behind this shawl I chose to knit that really adds to the appeal.  Plus the link has pictures!  Always a good thing.  You clicking the link will let me *not* steal those pictures and paste them in here.

I have to admit that I am not a good lace knitter.  I’ve only done one real lace project and I didn’t enjoy it. But I am drawn to all the beautiful lace.  I’m not really up for the challenge, but I want that shawl.  So I’ll persevere. Fortunately my friend in crafting-crime, Shanti, decided to knit along with me.  She’s got a ton more lace experience than I, so she’s already passed me up.  I’m not going to compare my progress to hers (ok, that’s totally untrue), but I am going to be inspired to keep going and actually finish this shawl in a timely manner.

And then I will have another finished project to share with you!

More Mac and Cheese, please!


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  • Lorri, maybe you should pin that picture on Pinterest, if you’re comfortable with that, so that you could share it with others without feeling like you’re stealing it. Agreed, I wouldn’t just take the picture for my blog without permission.
    Sandy recently posted..In Which Chicken Is Still A MeatMy Profile

  • Yes, I passed you. Then fouled up royally and need to rip back. While in the middle of a thing on the ship that keeps me onboard until 9pm. You’ve plenty of time to catch up and pass me!

    Love Pipsqueak and the quilt! Those are truly great pictures.
    Shanti recently posted..GunnerMy Profile

  • I find it ironic that Japan gave us all those beauties and then turned around and bombed us!

    It’s a beautiful piece though and if I knitted, I’d give it a go too.

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