Tag - Disney

Hollywood Studios

Oh yeah.  Blogging.  I forgot all about it and left you all in breathless anticipation of my account of how I had a way better time than you did last week. (neener neener)

Actually, I came down with a pretty bad cold (is there such a thing as a good cold?) and I got all stuffy and headachy and sore throaty and wasn’t so much feeling the blog love. (so neener neener back at me!)

Now here I am, generally no worse for the wear.

At Hollywood Studios (previously known as Disney MGM Studios) we ran into the green army men while walking around.  Boo thought they were funny, so we stayed to watch.  Next thing he knew, Boo’d been recruited!  Please note that he’s the only child correctly “at ease”.

Here they are, striking typical bucket o’ soldier poses.

While wandering around the backlots, we found this snowman:

Remember our Star Wars themed Halloween?  Well, Luke and Leia found some sort of Star Wars vehicle to drive.  (please note that I am not geeky enough to know the name of the vehicle)

I kept asking Boo if he wanted to attend the Jedi training that was going on at various times.  He kept saying no until I asked him why.  He told me he didn’t need to attend Jedi training because he was already trained.  How could I forget – he’s known as Master Boo around the neighborhood.

And now…Epcot

We took a week off of school before leaving for vacation because I just had so much to do.  Now everybody is having a really hard time settling back into our normal school routine.  Boo and Pumpkin Girl would so much rather goof off than work on handwriting.  I’m not helping matters when I walk into the kitchen and sing out, “Hi Hooooh!”, causing them to sing “hi ho!” back at me.  To which I replied, “Ha!  I knew you were dwarves!”

And now I sit here, avoiding school, editing my pictures to put on my blog and wondering if it’ll get warm enough today for me to go outside and pull out the flowers killed by last night’s hard freeze.

It was in the mid 70’s the day we went to Epcot.

Before I get to the pictures, I have to tell you that Boo loves Donald Duck as if he’s his long-lost brother.  I don’t know what it is, perhaps because the two of them have anger issues?

So on our very first day, Boo found himself a Donald Duck hat, which you can see in yesterday’s pictures.  We stood in line to meet a bunch of characters, including Donald.  Boo was pretty giddy as our turn with Donald approached, especially because we’d been advised to ask Donald’s handler for a permanent marker and that Donald would sign Boo’s hat.  And so we did and he did.

There wasn’t a lot for Bip to do in Epcot at first, except wait for everyone to go on Soarin’ and Test Track.  So we made a point of going to Turtle Talk with Crush (dude!) and riding Finding Nemo.

Here’s Bip, pretending to throw crabs at the seagulls who periodically said, “mine! mine!”

Here we are in Norway.  I visited this church in Oslo once upon a time.

And now we’re in China.

Look!  I finally made it to Germany!

Did I ever mention that we’re a little tiny bit French?

Boys – here they are after riding Maelstrom in Norway.  They went straight to the weapons and armed themselves.  All three of them, all at the same time.

Not Exactly a Feast Day

But today is Mickey Mouse’s birthday!  Happy Birthday, Mickey!  To celebrate, here are the highlights of our time at the Magic Kingdom.  Did I mention that this was our first trip to Disney World?

Bip and Pumpkin Girl met the Little Mermaid

She kissed Bip!

Boo got to drive the Jungle Cruise boat!  He even got a license for it!

During lunch, the boys waved to the people on It’s a Small World.

Some of the people waved back.

Nobody got to be King of England.

Or Queen.

But we all got Mickey Bars!

Bip was tall enough to ride his first roller coaster!

He got a little congratulations card from a cast member, too!

I topped 380,000 points and Pumpkin topped 200,000 on the Buzz Lightyear ride.

At the end of the day, we spotted an ice castle.


Veni Vedi Mickey

We came, we saw, we enjoyed Mickey Mouse.  We had an amazing trip with my cousin and his family, we had great weather and not so great weather, we saw the space shuttle launch, we took lots of pictures and bought too many souvenirs.  Nothing overly dramatic happened either during the trip or back at home, though about an hour after we got home I got a call informing me that one of my good friends had gone into labor earlier in the day.

I’m really tired, but it’s all good.  But now I’ve got to go upload the bazillion pictures I took.  I’ll share them later…

The Top Reasons to Homeschool

Our Top Reasons to Homeschool

10. Great student teacher ratio.
9. No school shootings
8. Cleaning out the refrigerator can double as chemistry lab.
7. You don’t have to wear shoes!
6. If you get caught talking to yourself, you can claim you’re having a PTA meeting.
5. The teacher gets to kiss the principal in the faculty lounge and no one gossips.
4. You don’t have to fix lunch in the morning.
3. Children will be better adjusted if they don’t learn social skills from the street gangs.
2. No need for a pass to be in the halls or the restroom.

And the number one reason to homeschool is…

You get to go on a Disney Cruise right in the middle of the “school year!”

That’s right, folks. My in-laws are taking our family on a 7 day Disney Cruise to the Caribbean in early December. We are all so excited that we can barely contain ourselves. I just glance at my husband and he says, “Disney Cruise!” which sets me off on a happy dance. No, I won’t show you and yes, I’ll try not to hurt myself.

I see one of those expensive, custom-fit Land’s End swimsuits in my future. And since we’ll have just celebrated our 15th anniversary the week before the cruise, perhaps Philip will be surprising me with the fresh-water pearl necklace with Mickey Mouse pendant for our formal dinner night.

So if I seem more highly distractable than usual, you’ll know why. I’m busy planning our vacation…


Copyright The Mac and Cheese Chronicles 2020.  All rights reserved. Images and content may not be used without express permission.