
  Mystery solved!  Bip, VFB*,  popped out his first tooth today!  He’s been such a crabby crab lately, not sleeping well, wanting to nurse all night.  He responded very well to the "happy pills" (Hylands chamomilla tablets) which helped him settle down enough to get to sleep.   Phil thought it could be a growth spurt.  I didn’t think it was. Well, now we know what was wrong.  I let Boo and Pumpkin Girl feel his new tooth.  They hugged him and told him congratulations. Pumpkin said, "Maybe we can give him a pickle."


Boo is growing up so fast, too.  Today he heated up his own corndog in the microwave.  I was nursing the baby so I just told him what to do and off he went.  It’s a big deal to me since I didn’t learn to use the microwave until I was at least 16.  He’s at a fun age.  He is able to do so many things and he yet still has his sense of wonder.  He saw the Donald Duck DVD that came from Netflix the other day and said, "Oh! Donald Duck!  He’s my buddy.  I need to go visit him at Disneyland."


Pumpkin Girl is busy being 5.  She so wants to do everything Boo does.  She was complaining that I don’t let her do the same school work as Boo.  Sorry, sweetheart, but you need to learn to print before you can have a spelling test, LOL!  She sure wasn’t complaining though, when she said she didn’t want to do math and was done with school for the day.  Because she is only 5 years and 2 1/2 months, I don’t require her to have school.  She always listens in anyway and has her own workbooks.  But when she gets tired, I let her be "dismissed" and she can stay in the room as long as she’s quiet and not a distraction.


On a side note – we made shamrock cookies today.  I really hate making cut-out cookies.  My recipe is good, but I hate rolling the dough, cutting the cookies, having them fall apart on the way to the cookie sheet, then those that survived breaking on the way to the cooling rack.  (Yes, mom, you gave me the shamrock cookie cutter.)  I did get a chance to try out my brand new silicone rolling pin. Pumpkin Girl said, "ooo, I like it.  It’s pink!"  It rolls the dough like a dream.  No more sticking! And fast! So now all I have to worry about is the cookies breaking apart.


After all that cooking I did yesterday and the cookies today, I’m not in a mood to cook dinner.  Guess it’ll be leftovers.


  *Very Fat Baby

More Mac and Cheese, please!


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