Makes Me smile

I recently found my favorite bookmark of all time. I got it free from the library when I was a kid. I loved it so much that I eventually had to protect it by covering it with clear contact paper. The poem on it is:



I got
Books on the bunk bed
Books on the chair
Books on the couch
And every old where

But I want more books
I just can’t get enough
I want more books about
All kinds of stuff, like

Jackie’s troubles
Raymond’s joys
Rabbits, kangaroos
Girls and boys
Mountains, valleys
Winter, spring
Campfires, vampires
Every old thing

I want to
Lie down on my bunk bed
Lean back in my chair
Curl up on the couch
And every old where

And read



by Eloise Greenfield. It has a little picture by Rosemary Wells. If my daughter keeps up her love of books, and bringing them all over the house, I may have to pass the bookmark on to her. Maybe not. Every time we move I think I’ve lost the bookmark, but I find it eventually. Right now it’s on the computer table.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


About the author


One Comment

  • If you lose the bookmark, just ask Pumpkin Girl! 😉

    Love hearing where the name came from — I can quite relate. Also to Korea, being in Northern Japan at the moment.

    That’s a great bookmark.

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