Dining Room Corner: Buffet Table

Here’s a look at my buffet table before I cleaned it up. Again with the Lots of Stuff That Doesn’t Belong theme.

Buffet Before

Look! There’s even more stuff hiding behind the clock.



This was an easy fix this time. I cleared off the whole buffet table and started over. Everything was dusted before it was put back, lots of stuff got put away. Something I have noticed is that if you have an area that looks cluttered, other people (and you know who you are!) just add to it because they “don’t know where to put things.” Argh! Stop helping already!!

So here is the buffet table the way it looks today:
Buffet After

S-w-e-e-t !

I think it’s time to move on to another room. I’m eyeing the area known as the computer room. It’s really just one end of our living room, but no matter what you call it, it needs help.

More Mac and Cheese, please!


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