Our Lady Understands
Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also. Luke 2:35
Rebecca Maria
December 22, 2003-September 15, 2004
Winter Solstice to the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
She was good as she was fair
None, none on earth above her!
As pure in thoughts as angels are:
To know her was to love her
-Samuel Rogers
She’s beautiful.
I still cannot imagine your grief, even three years after the fact.
Praying God holds you close today.
We are with you in spirit today and hold you all close in our hearts. Today your Dad and I will place a beautiful bouquet of flowers on Rebecca’s grave. This weekend, Rebecca will be remembered at all of our Masses at the Mission.
Your family was thousands of miles away, but your Dad and I were blessed to have been able to know and love Rebecca…we always will.
As a mother, I have taken comfort on this day, of the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, that Mary knows what it is like to have your child die. I pray that Our Lady will give you comfort, for she knows your pain. And now, she holds Rebecca in her loving mother’s arms.
Dear Lorri. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I’m so sorry for your loss. She was so beautiful!!!
Lorri –
I can’t even imagine your pain. Know I’m praying for you. She was just precious!
Dear Lorri,
Your little Rebecca is a beautiful girl. I am so sorry for your loss. I have a Rebecca Marie myself and I can’t imagine life without her. My God hold you close today and always.
Lorri, words seem so empty, but if my letting you know that you are all in my daily prayers brings you comfort,please know that’s the case. God rest her beautiful little soul.
Lorri, I read about your loss on the 4Real Learning forum. You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers today, and I want to share a thought I had while praying.
Our children, on earth, know we love them, but they don’t fully know or fully understand. Their vision is distracted by their own needs, wants, desires, thoughts, feelings. We fade into the background though they always know we’re there and though they need us.
But in Heaven, your little girl knows how much you love her. She knows, now and forever. And her love for you is strong and pure. In the presence of God and His angels and saints she loves you more than ever.
God bless you as this sad day passes, and may He comfort you greatly in the days to come.
What a beautiful little girl. You will be in my prayers today as you remember your wonderful girl.
I just wanted you to know I have been praying for your family. May the thoughts of beautiful Rebecca in heaven with all of the Saints bring you some respite from the pain.
In Christ,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Lorri, Phil and family, you are in my prayers. I remember being at Rebecca’s services like it was yesterday. A day that will always be close to my heart. It was then that your love and your family amazed me. The strength you all had and your faith in God made everyone there feel a sense of calm. I picture the balloons going up in the air and I picture Rebecca grabbing the strings as they flew up to her with a smile on her face that could melt anyone’s heart. My love is with you and your little angel.
You and your family will be in our prayers this week. Just letting you know we are thinking of you. What a beautiful tribute to Rebecca.
Lorri, Phil and family,
My thoughts are with you this week and always. Rebecca was blessed to be born into such a wonderful family. I know the love she was shown in those few short months were enough to keep her happy forever!
Dear Lorri,
Rebecca was a gorgeous baby blessed to have such a loving family. May she intercede for you and give you comfort until you meet her again. I, too, have a baby in heaven and know the pain and suffering and loss. Many prayers for you and your dear family.
Jennifer in TX
She is so cherubic. I can just see that beautiful smiling face sitting at the feet of our Saviour.
Many prayers for you,