Labor Remembered
In celebration of Labor Day – here’s all you ever wanted to know about my labors. If you feel the urge to push, er…share your labor stories, head on over to Rocks In My Dryer and read the instructions, then post your link in the Mr. Linky at the end of her post.
How long were your labors?
Boo: 7 hours, pushed 20 minutes
Pumpkin Girl: 3 hours, pushed twice
Becca: 1 hour 18 minutes, pushed 5 minutes
Bip: 1 hour, pushed about 3 timesI know, I know. Go ahead and hate me.
How did you know you were in labor?
My water broke each time.
Where did you deliver?
1. Civilian hospital in Texas
2. Military hospital in Maryland
3. Military hospital in Korea
4. Really cool midwifery center in Virginia
Only with the first, who was an induction.
No, thank God!
Who delivered?
Doctors for the first three and a midwife for number 4.
If you want to play along with this meme, just cut and paste the questions into your own blog, and leave your link here: Laborious.
Thanks for sharing your labors! Here’s mine:
1. Labor 28 hours. Pushed 20 minutes. Only mild pain at the end.
2. 7 hours labor. Pushed 15 minutes. Fairly painful.
3. 9 hours labor. Pushed twice. Totally Painless.
4. 2 1/2 hours labor. Didn’t really push. Totally painless.
5. 42 hours labor. Didn’t really push. Uncomfortable back labor.
All born at home.
6. We’ll find out in January!