Answers, I’ve Got ’em!
My blogging friend, Sandy, asked me to help her better understand my post about the Rite of Election. First, I do have to apologize because I sometimes forget that hello, not everyone is Catholic. Just like everyone is not in the military and will not understand when I tell you that yesterday my husband went to the TMO because we are PCS’ing, but it’s to early to contact the TLF.
So I had another blogging dilema. Let someone else worry about offending the Brits, the growing nanny state and the price of tea in China because I’ve got readers needing answers. And pretty yarn to knit up. Focus, everyone, focus!
Really, though- I wanted to make sure I explained the Catholic jargon in a way that would still let the original story flow. I was going to hyper link, I was going to provide a glossary at the end. And then Sandy said, “um, how about just a website?”
I tend to overthink a bit.
So here you go Sandy, and anyone else I left scratching their heads. Here is a Glossary of Terms for the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA). It’s part of a much larger article about the entire process of RCIA.
Thank you, Lorri. I’m off to study, now!
So, I went and read everything you linked to. Don’t give me a quiz, lol. I don’t think I will ever master the vocabulary! However…I found your traditions to be rich and beautiful. I actually like that it requires such a long period of time (compared to our church) to become a member. I loved the symbolism and the study it requires. I also loved that a Sponsor or Godparent is a part of the process. From the very beginning you realize you are joining a family and you realize that you are making a commitment with your life, not just ‘joining a church’. At least that’s how I took it. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m thinking of attending one of the Lenten services at a Catholic Church we visited here, because I know my church doesn’t have them. I promise I’ll sit in the back and be quiet. I’m tempted to try to get in on that Friday Fish Fry too.