Techno-Savy Baby August 4, 2011 Lorri 8 Comments In Their Own Words Oh hey, got iPod! Get some tunes... Check mah email. Update Facebook status. Hey, Bip! Where find Angry Birds? Need diaper change. There app for dat? Print Friendly More Mac and Cheese, please!Brotherly LoveAlmost 10A Note from Pumpkin Girl
Very cute. My youngest daughter frequently demands my iTouch, telling me she needs to “check her email.”
That was tooo cute!!!! They say kids understand technology better than us at younger and younger ages ;).
🙂 too cute!!!
So very cute!
Very cute. My youngest daughter frequently demands my iTouch, telling me she needs to “check her email.”
I was waiting for the one where he says, “how does it taste?” 🙂
[laughing] Good times!
That was tooo cute!!!!
They say kids understand technology better than us at younger and younger ages ;).
Very sweet. He’s getting so big!