Pinterest and Pumpkin Girl

We let Pumpkin Girl get a Pinterest account.  I am so glad we did.

She’d been saving pictures from the internet that she loved and she always shared her favorites with me.  One day it dawned on me that she would really enjoy Pinterest.  I was right.

As a condition to her having an account, I follow all of her boards.  I love the insight that this gives me.  The quotes that she finds inspiring, the tons of ballet pictures, the cute animals – all of these things that have meaning to my sweet daughter.  Sometimes she tags me to make sure I see something.  Other times she’ll ask if I saw a pin and she’ll make a point to show me.  It is just one way to connect with her through technology.

One of my favorite of her boards is the one she calls “Things me or my family have done.”  I especially love the captions she writes.

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Another is her “So me” board.pinterest Collage 3

Technology can seem so cold and impersonal, but this is one instance where we have used it to become closer.  A small glimpse into Pumpkin Girl’s world that might not be accessible to me.  I’ll take it!

*Please note that Pumpkin Girl approved of this post.



More Mac and Cheese, please!


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  • My kids and I send each other pins all the time. It’s a fun way for us to communicate. I haven’t let my youngest one get an account, though, as I think there is way too much that’s unhealthy for a guy to have to wade through. He’s usually looking over the shoulder of his older siblings, though.

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