Tag - Decorating

Garden Statues

I have to admit that I love garden statues. I think they are so funny, sticking out from among the flora and fauna of a well loved garden. They are like little surprises, peeking out at you, beckoning you in for a closer look. We don’t have a very big garden. Just 3 flower beds and the rest is grass. There isn’t a lot you can do, landscaping-wise, when you live in government housing. You may or may not have a fence around your yard, so probably don’t have any sort of privacy hedges. It is a good thing they put our names on our houses or we’d never know which one of the identical houses is ours! But maybe because our houses all look alike, the small flower beds of military base housing are usually quite pretty. Each family gets a chance to express their creativity and personality in the flowers they plant and the decorative items they place in their gardens. So enter in my garden statues.

stone face

Stone Face is tucked in to my front flower bed among the petunias. The children just love him! When they help me water the flowers, they always give him a wash, too. He had to move out of our flower bed in Korea and up on to our front porch because a couple of neighborhood toddlers liked him so much that they would walk off with him.


Fatty Cat is new this year.
She sits on our front porch, welcoming visitors.


In the backyard is our memorial to Tasha the Cat (fluffy not fat) who was our faithful animal companion.

Our newest addition is the Garden Gnome.

I’ve always wanted a Gnome of my own.

Copyright The Mac and Cheese Chronicles 2020.  All rights reserved. Images and content may not be used without express permission.