- January 17, 2008
- Lorri
- Family Life
It doesn’t snow all that much in D.C. Just enough to keep us happy and wanting more. I let the children take an early break and we went for a walk in the snow.
- January 16, 2008
- Lorri
- One Comment
- Faith
- Holidays
I like to decorate for the seasons and holiday. But what does this Easter decoration:
have to do with the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior?
And poor St. Patrick. What did he ever do to merit this decoration for his feast day?
Albondigas Soup
- January 15, 2008
- Lorri
- Lorri's Diner
- dinner, meat, soup
Today is the 15th, so we are halfway through the month. In honor of that, I present my grandmother’s recipe for Albondigas (meatball) Soup, as requested by Renee.
Albondigas Soup
1 pound ground beef
1 Tablespoon rice
1 egg
1 small can tomato sauce
1 tsp Mrs. Dash
1 small onion, sliced
1/4 cup barley
3-4 carrots, sliced
4 small potatoes, cubed
lemon juice
Fill soup pan 3/4 full with water and tomato sauce. Bring to rapid boil.
While waiting for water to boil, beat egg, add rice and mix with meat. Form into balls. When water has reached boiling, add meatballs, onion and Mrs. Dash. After the meatballs have resurfaced, lower heat and simmer for 45 minutes. Add barley and simmer an additional 15 minutes.
Bring soup back to boil. Add carrots. Continue to cook for 10 minutes, then add potatoes. Boil (slow) for 20 minutes.
Garnish individual servings with several drops of lemon juice to taste. (If you add too much lemon juice, mix broth with someone else who hasn’t added lemon yet or return your broth to the pot.)
Feeling Better
- January 15, 2008
- Lorri
- Family Life
I appear to be on the mend. Nobody likes being sick of course, but what I really hate is how some illnesses just linger on. If I’m going to be sick, then fine, I’ll be sick. But when I’m feeling better I want to be better. None of this various symptoms hanging on thing. Today I think I’m actually fine.
Some of the fall-out of mom being sick is that the house falls apart. It not only doesn’t get any neater or cleaner, it actually seems to get worse. So now I’ve got that to contend with, too.
On the good news, we have managed to keep up with school. I don’t get crazed about trying to keep to the schedule I’ve planned, but I try to avoid taking too many days off. We all end up too cranky and it’s frustrating to have to remind the children what we were talking about. “Last time we had school we were talking about the Roman Republic. Do you remember what a republic is?… They don’t have a king…their rulers are…elected…by…the people… Beuler? Beuler?”
Though Pumpkin Girl did manage to work the phrase “crossed the Rubicon” into her conversation the other day. I shouldn’t complain.
So life is getting back to normal, slowly. Our Christmas decorations are coming down and the house is getting back to it’s sanitary, if still cluttered state.
It’s good to be back.
- January 11, 2008
- Lorri
- All About Me
I’m sick.
No, not because I’ve got some kind of notebook obsession or too much yarn or a whole room full of rubber stamping and scrapbooking supplies. I’m honestly sick.
I was getting over my cold and was feeling better when I got hit with chills and stomach pains on Wednesday night. By Thursday morning I was having cold sweats just trying to sit at the computer and read my favorite homeschooling boards. I knew I wasn’t going to make the Brownie meeting. I slept all day. I ate a piece of toast. I tried to stay hydrated.
Today…a little better. I had a bowl of cereal. We managed to catch up on school work. But now I’m seriously regretting that bowl of cereal. Blech.
- January 8, 2008
- Lorri
- Family Life
I think the boys are fighting again.
The calendar says January and the temperature is 68 degrees and climbing.  Fine if you live on the California Coast, but disconcerting to say the least if you’re on the East Coast. I want the cold weather back, please. I’ve got some cheesy potato soup and a crunchy french bread waiting in the wings. My children are starting to overheat in their long sleeves. I’m pretty sure that if I didn’t have 2 sets of brand new Land’s End snow pants in the closet that we’d be having a blizzard. Sigh.
Ephiphany Play
- January 7, 2008
- Lorri
- One Comment
- Faith, Family Life
- liturgical year
I hab a code in by nose.
When I was younger, I could handle colds just fine. They barely slowed me down. Now they make me so tired. Like lay down and sleep all day tired. Or at least sit in bed and look at yarn catalogs while my children bring me lunch. Which is what happened today.
Anyway, what I really wanted to share was pictures of our homeschool group’s Epiphany play. The children wrote it themselves and they acted it out after mass on Saturday. Then we had a pizza party, complete with a Kings Cake.
While not “on stage” the children stayed together off to the side. They sang Christmas songs in between scenes.
The Magi study maps and scrolls to figure out what the star is all about.
Our group has only 3 school age boys, so girls played the Three Kings. That’s Pumpkin Girl as Caspar in the middle. She had some major issues with having to play a “boy’s” role at first. But later, when she learned that she was one of the stars of the show and had a lot of lines, she embraced the role. We were really proud of her, she learned all her lines by herself and really tried to act them, not just say them.
King Herod and the High King discuss the prophecy of the Messiah.
The Star of Bethlehem points the way to the Holy Family. Boo is Joseph and Bip is toddler Jesus. Because of course, Jesus was no longer a baby when the Magi found him.
These pictures are actually from the dress rehearsal, when I was able to move around and get close to the actors. During the play, the greenery in the background was lit up with white lights and Bip refused to play Jesus. “Me no want to!” complete with crossed arms and pouty face! We brought a backup baby, our family doll Pumpkin, who at the age of 37 is quite the veteran of many a church Christmas play and didn’t act up a bit.
Pondering the New Year
- January 3, 2008
- Lorri
- One Comment
- Family Life, Home Sweet Home
Wow, I haven’t blogged all year!
Mostly because Philip’s been home and he’s been giving me the look. Ladies, you know which one I mean. He spies me from across the room, one eyebrow raises, then his eyes narrow. Yep, the look that says, “Are you on the computer again?” So I’ve been laying low the last couple of days. But he’s back to work now and blogging can continue as normal.
I love the start of the New Year. A fresh calendar on the wall is just teeming with the possibilities of the year to come. Even if you don’t make resolutions, it’s a chance to change things and make a new start.
We’ve got a lot of changes ahead of us this year. At least we think so. You know what they say about making plans and God. I don’t think he laughs at our plans so much as he smiles indulgently and says, “We’ll see.” Like a parent to a child asking for a new toy or a piece of candy. So we’ll see what really happens to our planned changes.
In the meantime, it’s time to get over the Flood of ’06 already. Yes, it was awful. Yes, leaving for vacation and never returning to your old house is difficult. Yes, nothing un-motivates faster than your best laid plans going wrong. But it’s been a year and I’m tired of using it as an excuse.
Like so many others, I’m Decluttering this year. Again. Still.
I mean it this time.
I was doing pretty well cleaning out the random Corners of My Home, but I’d like to do better. I’ve got to keep up with the regular housework and caring for the family at the same time.  I think I’ve got a pretty good plan to accomplish all of this.
First, I’m going to keep up with my modified FlyLady plan.
Next, I’m going to follow this Declutter Calendar.  Even though I’m not going to see a lot of major changes with this schedule, at least it is easy to follow, which means I will stick to it.
For the regular housekeeping stuff, I’m using Motivated Moms. Again, simple and easy and do-able.
I think I’m going to concentrate on serious decluttering one room a month. I don’t even have 12 rooms in our house, so here is where I think I’ll see some serious clearing out of the junk.
Those three plans are going to overlap a little, so I’ll have to work out the details a little more. I’m not going to stress over it though. It’ll all work out.
I’d also like to scrapbook one double page layout a week. Not a huge goal, but better than nothing, which is what I’ve been doing lately.
Sounds good, don’t you think?
I can almost hear God saying, “We’ll see.”
More About My Circa Notebook
- December 31, 2007
- Lorri
- Eagle's Wing Academy, Home Sweet Home
So, here we are on the last day of the year and I’ve noticed a trend around the homeschooling set on the internet.
We’re looking to be more organized this year. Lots of people like Dawn, are sharing their planning and organizational tools, so we can try to find a system of our own. Yesterday, I shared my love of list-making and how I keep my lists and notes organized. I admit that I went on a bit about my new Circa notebook.
I’ve spent the last couple of days transferring any notes and lists worth saving from my 2007 notebook into my 2008 book. As I was busily writing, it occurred to me that with the versatility of using a Circa, I won’t have to start a new notebook next year. I can just remove the pages that I don’t need, add some fresh pages and I’m ready to go. Cool.
I’ve just got to admit one thing here. I hate having unused pages in my notebook at the end of the year. I feel like I wasted them. I also hate tearing pages out of my notebook. The paper it leaves behind is too messy, even if the pages are perforated. I know, I know…let it go. I’m trying. But of course, with a Circa I can add and subtract pages all day, without a mess.
So by now, you’ve either stopped reading or you’ve clicked over to Levenger to get yourself one of these Holy Grails of Organizational Madness.
Let’s go on a little tour of my 2008 and Beyond notebook.
Here it is.
It doesn’t look like much, I know. I have terrible lighting in my house and the flash didn’t help. I’m using the “junior” size, which is approximately the same size as a half sheet of paper. What you can’t really see is that the cover is translucent and I have 5 tabbed dividers. I’m planning on finding some pretty scrapbooking paper to use inside the plastic cover to make it prettier.
Here’s the first page of my first section.
It’s the current week’s page from Motivated Moms. I printed a whole page of the half page size, folded the paper in half so that one week is showing on each side, and punched it. The rest of this section will be my everyday lists and reminders, including menu plans and shopping lists.
Section 2 is my homeschool plans.
Here you see my Plan from now until the 2012-2013 school year. Remember, I’m using Sonlight, so this is just an outline of which cores and language arts programs I’m planning to use and when. Next is a list of timeline figures I’m using with my current core. Then is our Catholic homeschool group’s plans for the remainder of the school year. Other things I’ll be including in this section are art ideas, school shopping lists, and anything else school related. When it comes time to review our school year, I’ll write my notes here.
The next section is for thoughts, ideas for blog posts, funny things my children say, that kind of thing. Sometimes I use it to maintain a prayer list.
Section 3 is for projects. Right now I have a list of the try-its our Brownie troop will be working on. All Brownie related notes will go here. I also include non-school related projects here, primarily shopping lists or ideas. For example, if I need a certain kind of yarn or needles for an upcoming knitting project, I’ll write it here.
The last section is for anything else, usually something temporary. Christmas lists, packing lists for upcoming vacations or anything that doesn’t fit into any of the other sections. Here is where the Circa is really going to be helpful. Lots of times I’ll start a list, like to-do lists for a vacation, in a different section. Then the project or the planning grows and starts needing a section of it’s own. Now I can just move the pages, instead of having to flip back and forth between sections. Or the opposite will happen, I’ll start notes in the temp section, only to realize that they belonged with my homeschooling notes.
Well, there you have it. The secret to my success. Or the manifestation of my madness. Whichever. If I’ve bored you to tears, blame Matilda. W-a-y back in June, she asked me about my notebook. I bet she thought I forgot.