
This one is Carcassonne.
Our family enjoys playing board/card games together. Candy Land, Settlers of Catan, Uno, Blink, Clue and Right, Left, Center are some of our favorites, along with Carcassonne. We just started playing Apples to Apples, too. We found a Disney edition for our RV trip and we all had fun with it. Oh, Disney Scene It, too. Pumpkin Girl and I are almost unbeatable on a team together with Disney Scene It.
We try make sure we play games for Bip’s age level as often as we play games for older children. He loves the Pooh Bear Uno game our Aunt Peggy gave him! When we play games that are a bit too old for him, we let him be on a “team” with someone else, usually a parent. That way he gets to play with the family and he’s also learning to play the game in question, too.
What are the games that your family enjoys?
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